Why Do We Send Newsletters?

Why Do We Send Newsletters?


Why do we send newsletters?

When I first started writing and started my blog I was so excited at the idea of sending out a newsletter. It was this big undertaking that I thought would reach hundreds of people and it would be filled with articles and stories and amazing photos. I thought people would respond and say, “wow, Faith, thank you so much for this. This is exactly what I needed to hear today.” And so many people did respond and say that and it made my heart melt. I am so grateful for each person who reaches out and let’s me know that something I wrote helped them in some way. 

I thought writing a newsletter would be easy. I thought it would be easy to write, easy to get more followers, easy to be consistent and send one out every Friday. But it was far from it. I’m still learning and trying and every single week whether you get a newsletter from me or not, I am always working on something, writing something and I am always trying to keep up with serving and connecting with all of you. 

The importance of a newsletter is to connect with the people that you are here to serve. It's to write to them and to offer up some advice, knowledge, inspire them, inform them, and to stay connected to them. Because we don’t write newsletters for ourselves, we write them for all of you! 

Last year at one of Hay House Writer’s Workshop events that I attended in Houston, I learned one of the most valuable pieces of information anyone has told me when it comes to blogging, writing and social media. And that is this: the reason why a newsletter is SO important is because it means you have your followers email address. Why does that matter? Because as soon as Instagram and TikTok all become not cool anymore and people hop from one platform to another, you will have to rebuild your brand from the ground up on a new platform. Email - let’s face it - is not going anywhere. We use it for work, personal matters, schools, it is our way to mass communicate with everyone. Make it a priority to get your followers email address and to stay connected with them every week even if it’s only to pop in and say hi. 

I will be sending out my newsletter today and once a week every week of 2021. So help me God! Because I know how important it is and how fun it is to have any platform at all to connect with people. This is what I love to do and I hope you will continue to stay with me on this journey to becoming the best version of ourselves everyday.

If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter please check out my homepage faithflynn.com and you can sign up there!

Thank you for being you & being here.

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