Quarantine Mad-Libs
When was the last time you played Mad-Libs?! During this incredibly difficult time, I tried to come up with a way for you to stay focused on what matters. You can download the sheet here if you prefer to print it or just use the template below and copy the answers down in your notebook!
Hope you enjoy and stay safe during this time.
Good morning! Today is a good day to have a good day. Today I choose love. Today I choose joy. Today I choose peace. Today I choose patience. Today I choose _____________.
Today I recognize that I will have a different day than I did yesterday and it will be different than what tomorrow will bring. Yesterday was __________________ and that makes me feel _______________. One important takeaway from yesterday is __________________. Regardless of how the day went, I recognize that I did my best, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. Today is a new day and a new chance for me to try again.
Today I will focus on ____________________. In order to do that, I will need to _____________________. When I focus on _________________ I feel better and it feels good to feel good! Today I am making feeling good a priority.
Today I want to remember that the most important people in my life are _________________. They mean everything to me. I am grateful that we are in this together and as tough as these times may be, that I get to spend more time with _______________ than I probably ever have.
Today I want to check in on _________________ and see if there is anything I can do or offer them or simply just to say hello. I will call/text/email them at _____ time so I don’t forget.
Today I am grateful for _________________. I recognize that there is nothing too small that I can be grateful for right now and despite all that is going on in my life, I am still so fortunate to be where I am right now.
Today I recognize that this situation sucks, but that the one positive thing to come out of it has been _________________. It’s important for me to find something positive even when it feels like so much of what is happening around us is negative.
Today I feel _______________. Today I want to feel more _______________. In order to feel _____________ I know that I must ______________ in order to feel better. Because I know I am a better _________________ when I take the time for myself to _____________________.
This is not the easiest time in our lives, but I recognize that this too will pass. I send positive thoughts and good vibes to all the people who are going through similar or worse situations than me right now, but especially for _______________________.
Today will be a good day. Today might be tougher than yesterday, but I choose to focus on love, on joy, on peace and on patience. Today I am strong, today I am capable. Today I surrender to whatever may come my way and I have faith that it will all be okay.
I look forward to tomorrow. I am grateful for another day to be on this earth. We may all be physically apart, but we’re all in this together, and this too will pass.