Everything Is Temporary
february 3, 2021
How quickly do the days pass? How quickly do the seasons change? How quickly do we look back and find ourselves feeling another year older, looking at the generation younger than us and remembering what we were doing at their age. How quickly life changes before our eyes and how quickly we can get stuck in thinking that a moment will last forever.
One of the most powerful realizations that we can have is that everything in this life is temporary. I don’t say that to sound morbid or insensitive, I say it because it is the truth. Everything has it’s time, sometimes for a short time, sometimes for a long time, sometimes for a good time. Everything has it’s time. Everything that we are going through today will come and it will go. It will pass before our very eyes, but it will linger just long enough for us to relish in the moment or dread it and wish it away.
Lately when I’ve been doing things that I don’t necessarily want to do, I remind myself of this simple notion. I spend a lot of time reminding myself how important it is to workout and meditate and do things that are good for my health, yet sometimes when I am in the act of doing them, I dread it. Why? I know it will make me feel better later, I know it will make me think more clearly and react more slowly but still, I show up with resistance. It is so real and even though we know better, resistance is something that we can’t just wish away. It sits in our chest. It lingers all around us, until we face what is in front of us.
But the more times that we push ourselves, the more times that we push back on that resistance, the more times we tell ourselves we are stronger than that, the easier it will be to push past it. We will build up strength, slowly but surely, toward whatever it is that is in our way today. And some days it might be getting out of bed and other days it might be working out and other days it might be having a difficult conversation with someone we love. Whatever it is, if you know that it will make you better in the long run, it’s worth working on. And whatever it is, it won’t last for long right?
So run that mile. Do the burpee. Take the cold shower. Drink the green juice. Call your friend. Sign up for the class. Book the trip. Take the photo. Say I love you. Pay the bill. Offer forgiveness. Work it out. Let it go. Life is too short and too precious to waste. This too shall pass.