JoGreen$ Smoothie

JoGreen$ Smoothie

In case you haven’t noticed, I love to add greens to just about everything! This smoothie in particular has a lot of greens and you can’t taste it at all. But it’s a great way to get your daily serving of fruits and vegetables early on in your day. I added coffee to this smoothie also but you definitely don’t have to! I actually don’t really drink coffee so I add just a little amount where I can taste a hint of it, get a little jolt and still get my greens in.

Hope you enjoy this one!


JoGreen$ Smoothie

so much green, so much fun!

2 cups spinach

½ cup frozen blueberries

¾ cup coffee (cold) (* coffee is totally optional in this one, just added it for a little extra zing!)

Frozen banana

Scoop of peanut butter

Couple dashes of cinnamon (4-6)

Chia seeds

MCT Oil (just a drop!)

Chocolate Ka’Chava

Fill remaining with half water and half ALT milk

Blend! I use a Nutribullet but any power blender should work great.

As always, thank you for being you & for being here!!! Hope you’re enjoying these recipes <3

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CoCoJo Smoothie

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