"I'M SO TIRED" -literally everyone

"I'M SO TIRED" -literally everyone

Why are we all so dang tired???

“I’m so tired,” said literally everyone.

“I’m so tired,” said literally everyone.

If I had a dollar for every time I asked someone how they are and their response is, “so tired” I wouldn’t have to work a day in my life. We’re all so tired from our commutes, our long work days, our kids, and our busy lives. But are any of us actually wiped from working out? Or exhausted from taking a walk?

I believe we are all so damn tired because of the way we live our lives. We have moved so far past routines and so far into ruts that we can’t even see which way gets us out. We sit constantly. We stare at screens basically every time we sit down. And it’s so engrained in our lives that we really don’t know how to break the habit.

We are all so tired, but what are we even tired from?

The truth is, I believe technology sucks way more energy and life out of us than we can even imagine. Because most of the time we’re not just staring at the screen. Most of the time we are having an emotional and physiological response with what we are reading, or who we are in conversation with or what images we are viewing and processing and ultimately judging either someone else, or worse ourselves. Staring at a wall to watch paint dry would actually take so much less energy and thinking than what we have to expend every time we look at our phone or TV or computer screen.

Don’t get me wrong, the hard truth is that I am writing this article in my bed right now even though I am ready to go to sleep. It’s really hard to escape technology! We’re grown to rely on it and depend on it everywhere from in our office to in our own. And once you grow dependent on something, the harder it is to lessen it or even remove it fully from your life. 

So if you are one of the people who feel tired all the time and constant brain fog, I encourage you to put the phone down, close the laptop and turn off the TV. What can you do instead you ask? Literally anything! Go for a walk, stare out the window, write in a notebook (like with a real life pencil and pen), just shut your brain off once in awhile!

It’s so important to remember that you are here on this earth for a God-given purpose and it is up to you to seek that out. The noise and the distractions will always be there. The haters and people who don’t get it or agree because it’s so engrained in their lives will fight against what they know is actually good for themselves. But the heart of the matter is that the more you spread love, the more you feel love. The more you engage with people and nature around you, the more you will feel alive simply based off these small conversations. 

So go out and connect with people face to face. Listen to their voices and look them in the eye. Have real life, challenging conversations that make you dream and feel vulnerable all at the same time. And remember that being tired is just a bad excuse that we have all embraced too closely for too long.

If you've ever wondered, "How does she do it?!"

If you've ever wondered, "How does she do it?!"

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