Embrace the Change
"If we want to see our way out of a situation, we need to see the situation differently.”
In our lifetime, there will be many things that change. We will get older, grow taller, we will meet new people, we will be faced with new challenges. New life will be born, and old lives will pass on. But the only thing constant is change.
When you have come to that place, that fork in the road and the realization of what no longer serves you, do not be troubled. Do not be mislead. Your intuition is there to guide you and receive you. Be grateful for what you have today. Food and water. Hot showers and warm beds. Your job, your passion, your true self. But also recognize what is left to change within you. Notice who you were, who you are, and who you want to be. Understand that things won’t always be like this, for better or for worse. You can’t hold on to the temporary. All you can do is embrace the change.