The First Girl Crush Soiree

The First Girl Crush Soiree

When I first started Girl Crush, it was at a time when I was hating my job, not taking care of myself, and in a bit of a rut. I didn’t know how to break out of the vicious cycle I found myself in, but I saw other people thriving and I wanted that for myself.

I decided I would interview women who are crushing it. Women going above and beyond their 9-5 jobs to set their future selves up for success. I wanted to know their secrets! Their special sauce if you will.

The truth for me came when I realized I wasn’t alone in how I felt. When I looked around and listened to what these women were saying I wasn’t the only one wishing my career had more purpose or that I could make money doing something I was actually passionate about. It was as simple as that, I wasn’t the only one feeling this way.

Fast forward a year and a half later, I am so excited to announce I just posted my third Girl Crush interview with one of my dear friends, Jess! Jess’ story is one that I’m sure will resonate with a lot of you and one that I think anyone questioning whether or not they are on the right path needs to hear.

(This weekend Jess is running the California International Marathon and like a true Girl Crush I know she’ll do her absolute best and it’ll be amazing! GOOD LUCK, JESS!)

This journey has been so awesome and my hope for Girl Crush comes from the foundation of these 3 things: learn, share, create.

I want to build a network of women who can learn from each others successes and “failures” (this is in quotes because I don’t think there are such things are failures, only learning from mistakes).

I want to empower women to share their thoughts, ideas, passions, strengths, & weaknesses, so we can all realize we are not alone. We are never alone.

I want to create a new perspective on the paths we take and help women curate their own career path rather than relying on a system that is broken and doesn’t serve us anymore.

That is why I am so proud to announce… the first ever GIRL CRUSH SOIREE!

PLEASE NOTE you must RSVP in order to attend! Space is limited!

Faith Still Stands

Faith Still Stands

Girl Crush x Jess

Girl Crush x Jess