Stay Grateful My Friends
stay grateful
What can you be grateful for today?
Today I am grateful for… is the first thing I write down everyday.
Each day what I write looks somewhat different, but mostly the same:
I’m grateful for the people I love, the work I’m able to do, the life I’m fortunate enough to live. And each day I feel so blessed to be able to reflect on all the blessings that are in my life.
What if you woke up today with only the things you were grateful for yesterday?
It’s a question I think about quite often, especially as I write my gratitudes down each morning.
Gratitude doesn’t have to mean that we are religious or spiritual. Gratitude means we are human. It’s a recognition of all the things that we have in this life. It’s an understanding that what we have is only true for us, for better or for worse.
A quote my dad used to tell me that I’ll never forget is - if all the world wrote their problems down on a piece of paper and put them in a hat, you would want to pick your problem out. It took me so long to understand that, but now I do.
Gratitude is working for something and recognizing that we have arrived, achieved and accomplished what was once merely a dream.
Gratitude comes from within. You can have all the money and all the material things in the world, but if you don’t have gratitude, then you probably don’t recognize the value in any of it.
The last thing I want to leave you with is to go call a loved one. A parent, a sibling, an aunt, a cousin. Call them (not text).
Call them to say hi and how are you. Call them to ask how their job is going, ask how they are feeling and if you want to get real with them, ask them what you can do to be a better partner/daughter/friend to them?
As the holidays approach, a whole mix of emotions come rushing back to people for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes we just want someone to check in on us and ask how we’re doing. It really is that simple and yet the response that comes from it can be profound.
I hope you all have a beautiful day. And despite what may come up, do your best to stay grateful.