Monday (Everyday) Motivation
Today is a day I want to ask for guidance, for love, and most of all for strength. God would never give us anything we couldn’t handle, instead He gives us the strength we need to overcome and to succeed. He gives us the people in our lives who lift us up, enables us to grow into who we were meant to be, and that is the greatest strength of all.
As I enter my last week of being 27, which also happens to be the week leading into Christmas, I am called to reflect on what lies ahead. The family and friends I will be gathering with, the memories we will make, stories we will tell. It’s all part of it. This year more than ever I am reminding myself to be filled with gratitude for another year of life, and that I am here to live in love.
As I turn another year older, this year feels a bit different. Each year I feel a little older, a little more grown up than I was last year or the year before. I can feel my life starting to change and even in some ways come together. While I am nowhere near having it all figured out, I am starting to take charge of my life in a way that I really haven’t before.
I was always the person who was waiting for Monday, for there to be a line in the sand as to what is behind us and what lies ahead of us. Some of us just feel like we need to wait for Monday, for January 1st to roll around, or for our birthday to realize that this life is all we get. The truth is each and everyday we are alive we are given another chance. Each moment of each second we are given the chance to make a change unlike anything we have ever done before.
So whatever day it is, whatever you are feeling, make today your Monday. Whatever you have to do to get there, just get started. However small it may be, whatever change you want to see, you are in control of your life no matter what anyone else tells you.
You can do this, because with faith you can do anything.
Thank you for being you & thank you for being here.